Here at New to Netflix, we work hard to give you news and articles that are accurate, on time, and trustworthy.
We believe in being open and taking responsibility. We know that sometimes we might make mistakes, even when we try our best. But when that happens, we promise to fix them quickly and let you know went wrong. We are all about keeping things clear and honest.
Reporting Errors: If you find a mistake in our articles, We have love to know! You can tell us about it by visiting our contact page or emailing us at Please give us as much information as you can, like the web link of the article and any proof or details about the mistake. We appreciate your help.
Review Process: When you tell us about a mistake, our team will check it out. If we find that there an error, we will fix it fast. And if needed, we will put a note at the top or bottom of the article to let everyone know about the correction. We want to make sure everything is accurate and clear for our readers.
Correction Procedure: If we find a mistake, we will fix it right in the article where it happened. At the end of the article, we will add a note with the sentence, the date we corrected it, and a short explanation of what went wrong before. If the mistake is big and changes how you understand the story, we might also put a note from the editor at the beginning of the article. We want to be open and clear about any changes we make.
Retraction: If we discover a really big problem in an article, like if it is completely wrong or confusing, we will take it down right away. We will remove it from our website, social media, and everywhere else. We want to make sure our readers can trust the information they get from us.
Commitment to Integrity: We promise to always stick to the highest standards of honesty and accuracy in our news. Our correction policy shows how serious we are about making sure everything we share is true and reliable. We are committed to keeping it real for our readers.